Break Up With Bad Habits, Not Ben & Jerry's: Your Post-Breakup Glow Up Guide

By Theophilus Benjamin - March 25, 2024
Break Up With Bad Habits, Not Ben & Jerry's: Your Post-Breakup Glow Up Guide

Let's face it, breakups suck. They leave you feeling like a deflated pool floatie, tossed aside on a deserted emotional beach. But hey, here's the silver lining most people miss: breakups are also a fantastic opportunity to kick some bad habits to the curb!  Think of it as a cosmic do-over button. Your ex is gone, and with them goes the excuse to, well, everything.

Now, before you think I'm some heartless robot suggesting you Marie Kondo your feelings (though, purging your ex's toothbrush is definitely a good start!), hear me out.  Breakups often leave a void we try to fill with unhealthy coping mechanisms.  Maybe it's a nightly pint of ice cream that morphs into a Ben & Jerry's graveyard in your freezer (picture a sad tombstone reading "Here Lies Phish Food, April 12th -  May 3rd"). Maybe it's mindlessly scrolling through social media, stalking your ex's vaguely sad vacation photos (we've all been there).

These habits might offer a temporary numbing of the pain, but they're ultimately like that clingy ex who never leaves – they hold you back from moving on and becoming the best version of yourself.  So, how do we break up with these bad habits and create a healthier, happier post-breakup reality?

Step 1: Identify the Emotional Vampires

The first step is to identify the bad habits that are sucking the life out of you. Are you suddenly BFFs with the vending machine?  Do reality TV marathons seem like a productive use of your newfound free time? Grab a pen and paper (or your phone's note-taking app, because millennials) and write down anything that makes you feel worse after indulging in it.

Step 2: The "Because..." Breakup Speech

Next, channel your inner Beyonce and write a breakup speech to these habits.  Except, instead of flawless vocals, use the power of "because..."  For example, "I'm breaking up with nightly ice cream binges because they make me feel sluggish and prevent me from fitting into those cute new jeans I bought to spite you-know-who."

Step 3:  Out with the Old, In with the You

Now it's time to replace those bad habits with activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Get Moving: Exercise is a natural mood booster. Take a dance class, go for a hike, or dust off that yoga mat gathering dust in the corner (because let's be honest, most of us have one).

  • Reconnect with Loved Ones: Breakups can make you feel isolated. Lean on your friends and family for support. Plan movie nights, go for walks, or simply have a good old-fashioned vent session.
  • Explore New Hobbies: Ever wanted to learn how to play the ukulele? Now's your chance! Take a cooking class, try painting, or join a book club.

  • Practice Self-Care: Breakups are a marathon, not a sprint. Make time for activities that make you feel good. Take a relaxing bath, get a massage, or indulge in a spa day (because sometimes retail therapy is the best therapy).

Step 4: Allow Yourself to Feel

Remember, breakups are a grieving process. Don't bottle up your emotions. Cry, scream into a pillow, write an angry haiku about your ex – whatever it takes to process your feelings.

Step 5: Celebrate the Wins (Big and Small)

Change takes time, so celebrate every victory, no matter how small.  Resisted the urge to call your ex? High five yourself! Managed to go a week without ice cream?  Treat yourself to a mani-pedi (because self-care comes in many forms).

The Road to a Happier You

Breaking up with bad habits after a breakup takes work, but trust me, it's worth it.  You'll emerge from this stronger, healthier, and ready to write the next chapter of your life – a chapter filled with self-love, resilience, and maybe even a new love interest who appreciates you for the awesome person you are.

Remember, you are not defined by your past relationship or your bad habits.

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